ଡାଲମିଆ ମହାବିଦ୍ୟାଳୟ ରାଜଗାଙ୍ଗପୁର
ରାଜଗାଙ୍ଗପୁର, ସୁନ୍ଦରଗଡ (ଓଡ଼ିଶା)
Email : dalmiacollege.rgp@gmail.com
Phone : 9337496217
Dalmia College Rajgangpur
Email : dalmiacollege.rgp@gmail.com
Phone : 9583830911

Mission & Vision


"Shraddhaanbaan Labhate Jaanam Tatparah Sanyatendriyah
Jaanam Labdhwa Paraam Shantimachirenadhigachhati"

One who is full of love,
who is devoted to it,
and who has subdued the senses,
obtains knowledge,
and having obtained knowledge,
ere long one gains eternal bliss.




  • All round personality development of individual learners.
  • Promoting human values and assisting the preservation of culture and tradition.
  • Total awakening of the Tribal Community and integrating them into the mainstream.
  • Promoting scientific temperament among the tribals while keeping their roots intact.
  • Tapping the hidden potentials of tribal talents in particular and rural talents in general.